About Us
Oro Real s.r.o is a digital company providing sportive and health content. If you are looking for an affordable platform to help you to reach your health or physical goals, you are at the right place. We can become your daily fitness partner no matter where you are or which language you are speaking. Indeed, we develop our portals to adapt it to as many persons and languages as possible. In addition, we are devoted to all our users, because no matter what is your level, we want to help you to succeed. To do so we based our work on these 3 following elements:
A large network: within the company, we have an extensive network of content which is allowing us to share qualitative content with you. We can help you no matter what your objective is, to reach your goal in no time.
Qualitative content for everyone: if you are looking for great advice and useful tips you will find what you need in our portals. We gathered everything you might need to help you and bring you in the right direction.
A devoted customer service: it is important for us to offer an excellent customer service, aside from our qualitative content we are providing a great help to our customers whenever they might need it. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need it.
We are devoted to you and your wellbeing so don’t waste your time and start your way to achieve your goal, join us now and become a member of our team of warriors!
Oro Real s.r.o
Registriert unter C 353377
Steuernummer CZ11716410
Strnadových 1007/5, Vysočany, 190 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic.